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Essential Oils

The Best Approach to Healthy Hair is Organically!

Driven by a passion for all things natural, and a focus on helping clients to celebrate and enhance their natural hair, Get Organically Beautiful! uses organic & non-toxic alternatives for all services.

Organic hair products contain natural ingredients like proteins, vitamins, essential oils, and fruit extracts.  Whether you have a specific allergy or are simply prone to irritation, you can trust organic hair products will be kind to your skin. Organic hair products give hair the nutrients it needs to grow beautiful, healthy, and strong without the use of harsh chemicals, that irritate your scalp, and may also damage your hair over time. 

Did you know that your skin absorbs a good bit of what you put on it?  So, when you apply chemicals to your hair and scalp, some of those synthetic substances may enter your body. By using organic hair products, you eliminate this unnecessary chemical intake that might be detrimental to your health.

Last, but definitely not least in importance, is the fact that organic hair products are healthier for the environment.  Guess what happens to all the excess chemicals that aren’t absorbed by your hair and scalp?  That's right, they're washed down the drain and soaked up into our water and soil.  Conversely, organic products are never  harmful to our water or soil.  Also, organic products are usually harvested through organic farming methods.  By purchasing these items, you are supporting sustainable agriculture. 

So when you weight the pros and products win!

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